Cheese board for soft ripened cheese lovers
Cheese board for soft ripened cheese lovers
Making a cheese board is a daunting task. There are so many ways to arrange and accompany cheeses. Especially with soft ripened cheese, as many of them have a white bloomy rind, and just placing them next to each other makes for a dull-looking cheeseboard. Chef Greg shares his suggestions to make a visually appealing cheeseboard composed entirely of soft ripened cheeses.
A fruity and colorful soft ripened cheese board
Chef Greg accompanies each cheese with a different (and delicious) fruity recipe. Even though every cheese he selected has a white or gray rind, the result is a colorful platter that will surprise every guest.
Recipes include apples, blueberries, honey, almonds, enough diversity to flatter any taste.
Chef Greg’s selection of soft ripened cheese
Chef Greg prepared four unique cheeses for this platter.
He started with Supreme soft ripened cheese, a creamy soft ripened cheese, that is very versatile in a kitchen. Chef Greg had already made a video composed of three recipes including this wonderful cheese. He complements it with blueberries, liquor, vinegar, and peppercorn.
His second cheese is a classic Camembert, from Ile de France. Paired with a cherry chutney and almonds, it’s a splendid savory-sweet treat.
His third choice is Saint Andre triple cream, the creamiest of these four cheeses.
Last but not least, Dorothy’s Keep Dreaming is a Brie-like cheese rubbed with vegetable ash. He adds dried cranberries, pistachios, and orange zest, which gives this creamy cheese an uncommon crunchy texture.